What is Recruitment & Selection

What is Recruitment and Selection?

Learn about Recruitment and Selection with ShahRukh Khan!
Raju Bann Gaya Gentleman

Movie Case Study

The scene that you just saw shows how Raju is sitting with 4-5 candidates in the opening scene. He is called for an interview round and he proves his competence by telling the panel how the real estate project could have saved up to Rs. 5 crores. Learning perspectives in this blog will explore the recruitment and selection process.

What is Recruitment and Selection?

Recruitment is a pool of potential candidates who are eligible for the job, from this pool certain candidates are selected. The recruitment process generally involves identifying the need of a candidate by the company and then receiving the application for the job to be done.

Once the applications are received, companies or recruitment agencies weed out the applications that are not suitable for the job or are unqualified. The remaining candidates are then ranked and on this basis, they are normally called for an interview.

Stages of the Selection Process

There are a number of ways to make the selection process, such as interviews, aptitude tests, group tasks, presentations, and role-playing tasks. These are done to help select the best candidate for the job.

The interview process helps to evaluate a candidate who is best suited for a job. One can determine if the candidate’s experience is relevant to the job or not. Qualities such as confidence, vision, verbal skills, and extroversion can be gauged from an interview process.

What is recruitment and selection

Raj seems to have confidence and good verbal skills and displays leadership traits while communicating. He also displays his intelligence and aptitude while talking about the real estate project that the company had undertaken. For these reasons, he is hired on the spot.

Effective recruitment of the right person for the job saves training time and money for the organization.

Understand the Recruitment and Selection Process with this Youtube Video:


  1. […] Referral bonus: Organizations also offer a referral bonus to employees in case an employees reference joins and sticks with the company. These referrals are good for the organization as they are an employees’ recommendation. They tend to be loyal and sincere. An employee who had referred the candidate tends to get bonus after 3 to 6 months of the candidates’ recruitment. […]

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