Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills

Learn about Interviewing Skills with Will Smith.
Pursuit of Happyness 2006


You never get a second chance to make a first good impression. 93% of the first impressions are made with how one looks and hears. It has nothing to do with what you say. This scene shows how Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith) makes 7% work for him.

An interview is conducted by organizations to determine the best candidate for the job. It is a selection process conducted by these organizations to predict future job performance on the basis of an individual’s oral responses to various questions.

Types of Interviews

There can be many types of interviews such as stress interviews, normal job-related, and panel interviews.

Movie Case Study

This scene shows a panel interview which forms a part of a structured interview. A structured interview is one where an employer lists questions in advance and may even list down certain answers and scores related to each answer. A Panel comprises 4-5 people who are experts in their domain.

Questions in an interview can generally be behavioral, situational, or puzzling. Behavioral questions are related to how would a person react to a hypothetical situation. These questions are close to real-life situations that occur in an organization.

Interviewing Skills

When Chris Gardner (Will Smith) walks in without a shirt for the interview and as he narrates his story, he displays traits of honesty, integrity, and the ability to handle himself in a difficult situation. Also, when he’s asked questions related to his academics, he chooses to stick to the truth by saying ‘that there were 20 students in the class. The interviewer isn’t impressed by this so Chris goes on to say, how he is a person who always looks for an answer, even when he doesn’t know it. This demonstrates his confidence, calmness, and assertiveness.

And later when he is asked what would you say when someone hired who wasn’t wearing a shirt. He demonstrates his wit and positivity through his answer.

There are many skills that are advantageous when one walks in for an interview. But the most important one is to have an unshakeable trust in oneself. This makes all problems seem smaller.

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