Organizational Stress

What is Organizational stress?

Learn about organizational Stress with Ranbir Kapoor!

Movie Case Study

The above scene is picked from a movie called Tamasha, In this movie, Ved (played by Ranbir Kapoor) is constantly humiliated by his boss on many occasions and the corporate environment is suffocating to him. This causes him to act out and talk gibberish during the presentation. This blog, Learning Perspectives will explore organizational stress.

What is Organizational Stress?

Stress is a condition in which an individual is confronted with a situation or circumstance(s) that he or she perceives to be uncertain. Stress is usually associated with anxiety, nervousness, outbursts, etc.

What is Organizational stress?
Balancing Work and Life

Organizational stress factors are many. Pressures to avoid errors or complete tasks in a given period of time. Work overload, demanding and insensitive bosses and unpleasant co-workers could be some examples.

Task demands are factors related to an individual’s job. This includes the design of the individual’s job, working conditions, and the physical work layout. Working in an overcrowded room or where there are continuous interruptions can lead to stress and anxiety as well.

Lack of social support and poor interpersonal relationships are also bound to create stress in the organization. Many bosses create unrealistic demands and pressures on the employee, this certainly leads to fear and uneasiness.

Role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload also cause expectations that might not be understood by the employee and may lead to apprehension and worry.

Understand Organizational Stress with a Video

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