Movie Case Study
A nun asks for Sanajan’s help when her students aren’t able to cross an uneven patch. Their crutches are posing a problem. Sanjana thinks creatively in the situation. She helps handicap children cross the uneven patch with the assistance of the gate. She designs a solution within minutes for the problem faced. In this blog, learning perspectives explore the meaning of lateral thinking.
What is Lateral Thinking?
Lateral thinking means thinking out of the box. It generally involves creativity and imagination for solving the same mundane problems. It is a right-brain function. Majority of the population thinks logically hence the brilliant solutions of the creative side of the brain are not taken into consideration.
Lateral thinking was introduced by Edward De Bono during 1967. Viewing the problem in a new light helps take an indirect approach to problem solving. This creates a simple approach to solving a problem. Lateral thinking defines ways in which one can think out of the box.
Solving the same old problem in a way that’s new and involves ingenuity. The ability to respond to unexpected and uncertain situations with imagination, adaptability, creativity, and flexibility is Ingenuity. Ingenuity helps when thinking innovatively, laterally and out of the box.
Exercises that help in thinking laterally
Thinking laterally means putting more efforts on the right side of the brain. Thinking more creatively. This can be boosted through exercises that help the right side of the brain.
One way to improve right side brain function is to try to have a conversation with a friend without using the letter ‘E’, so you can’t say words that include E, are in ‘how are you’ is prohibited. This helps in right brain thinking.
To escape dominant form of thinking, it is necessary to think creatively. Creativity can be induced when we combine two different things that already existed and creating something new out of it. Much similar to Learning Perspectives. LP combines movies and academics, both of them existed before, we are just combining the two to make learning interesting.