What are leaders made of?

Learn about Leadership with Al pacino!
The scent of a Woman 1992

There are many types of leaders and even amongst leaders, not all leaders have similar traits. Just like we all are unique, so are the leaders.

In this blog, Learning Perspectives will explore the meaning of the qualities of a leader.

Movie Case Study

Their styles of leading might be different but leaders operate with some basic traits that are generally found in all leaders, these are what qualify them to become one. Al Pachino in the scene from the movie ‘The Scent of a Women’ talks about how integrity and courage form an integral part of being a leader. They make some tough decisions when conditions are hard to endure. These are character traits that everyone doesn’t possess.

What are leaders made of?

Character building is an essential part of being a good leader. Leaders are self-disciplined and have high self-awareness, they also possess a high emotional quotient which helps them in navigating through the challenges of the team and taking corrective actions before a situation is out of control.

Leadership Styles:

Generally, leaders have different styles of leading, these can be directive style, analytical, conceptual, or intuitive style.

  1. The directive style of leading involves being logical and practical about matters. They are technically sound and get work done by giving clear directions to subordinates.
  2. Analytical Style involves overanalyzing circumstances and situations. They come up with 5 routes to solve a problem and after careful analysis, they choose one.
  3. The conceptual style of leaders looks at the bigger picture and finds creative solutions for the longer term. They many times rely on their intuition to make decisions after gathering information.
  4. Intuitive Style involves making decisions that seem right. Intuition is driven by a number of years of experience in the same field. They instinctively know what is the right thing to do.

Qualities of a Leader:

Leaders develop a determined sense of their strengths and weaknesses to build on their positive attributes. In short, a leader would generally conduct his SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis. Some of the traits leaders display are motivating subordinates, guiding and changing behaviors of people, managing people, being charismatic, and acting decisively.

Leaders have the ability to look into the future and build a strong vision for the country or an organization. Managers help in implementing this vision, hence not all leaders are managers, and not all managers are leaders.

Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi were some of the great leaders who envisioned a future for their country and eventually gained a following.

Understand Leadership Styles with a Video

Leadership Styles

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